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Home Productshot vulcanizing conveyor belt welder online manufacturer
China Qingdao Running Machine Co.,Ltd certification
China Qingdao Running Machine Co.,Ltd certification
Customer Reviews
I am site manager of iron mining company in Australia; We used to pay large amount for rent conveyor belt splice tool from local supplier; Mac provide another solvtion for us, they vulcanizer are cheap and good to use, the price is nearly as much as the rent fee for one year, We can save a lots of budget; —— Mr Jack

—— Jack

I have purchased conveyor belt vulcanizing machine from Qingdao running machine company through their representative Miss lily. I must say machine is running perfectly and very smooth in very good competitive price and their company behaviour is so cooperative. After sale service is so perfect that I never hesitate to ask any questions after buying

—— Junaid Ali

Package was sturdy and contained everything without damage. Parts of machines are so well equipped with new technology. I always pray for Mr. Mike that him and his company will achieve best milestones in term of quality and their services.

—— Jay Crue

Recommended 100% Good value for the money!

—— Richard S.

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buy Portable Hot Vulcanizing Conveyor Belt Splicing Machine Conveyor Belt Welder online manufacturer

Portable Hot Vulcanizing Conveyor Belt Splicing Machine Conveyor Belt Welder

Portable Hot Vulcanizing Conveyor Belt Repairing Machine With Aluminum Alloy Process flow of hot vulcanized joint of natural rubber conveyor belt Step 1: Use clamps of suitable size to clamp both ends of the ... Read More
2022-01-24 16:28:51
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